This is the course website for GLOBAL SOCIOLOGY AND GLOBAL STUDIES
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Best American Novels of all time
1. The
Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales by Edgar Allan Poe (1833)
2. The
Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1850)
3. Moby-Dick
by Herman Melville (1851)
4. Uncle
Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852)
5. Walden
by Henry David Thoreau (1854)
6. Incidents
in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs (1861)
7. The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (1876)
8. The
Portrait of a Lady by Henry James (1881)
9. The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain (1884)
10. The
Awakening by Kate Chopin (1899)
11. How
the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis (1890)
12. The
Call of the by Jack London (1903)
13. The
House of Mirth by Edith Wharton (1905)
14. The
Jungle by Upton Sinclair (1906)
15. The
Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
16. The
Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway (1926)
17. Of
Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (1937)
18. Their
Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston (1937)
19. The
Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (1939)
20. The
Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers (1940)
21. For
Whom the Bell by Tolls by Ernest Hemingway (1940)
22. A
Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith (1943)
23. The
Colossus of Maroussi by Henry Miller (1941)
The Catcher in the Rye by J D
Salinger (1951)
Man by Ralph Ellison (1952)
451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)
Crucible by Arthur Miller (1953)
the Road by Jack Kerouac (1957)
29. Atlas
Shrugged by Ayn Rand (1957)
30. Rabbit,
Run by John Updike (1960)
31. To
Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (1960)
32. I
Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou (1969)
33. Fear
and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson (1971)
34. The
Color Purple by Alice Walker (1982)
35. Beloved
by Toni Morrison (1987)
36. All
the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy (1992)
Global and Regional Development (WEEK -4): Readings, Newspaper articles, Presentation and Documentaries
Dear all,
For the
Week 4TH, you should read the following chapters before you come to
the class:
British think tanks: advancing the intellectual
debate? Philippa Sherrington. (ATTACHED)
· Players
Beyond Borders? German Think Tanks as Catalysts of Internationalisation. Martin
Thunert. (ATTACHED)
· Think
Tanks and Their Impact. Robert O'neill. (ATTACHED)
The United Nations I: law and
administration (Ian Hurd)
Contractors - Frontrunners of the Military-Industrial Complex (Kubilay Yado Arin)
Corporate Philanthropy and Political Advocacy (Kubilay Yado Arin)
Documentary: THE BRUSSELS BUSINESS. Who runs the Europe
This week, we will have a presentation on Wednesday. YOU
US Think Tanks and the Politics of Expertise:
Role, Value and Impact Mahmood Ahmad.
A Challenge to Washington Think Tanks Murray
Brookings and the Neoconservative Advocacy Think Tanks (Kubilay Yado Arin)
Theory (Kubilay Yado Arin)
British think tanks: advancing the intellectual
debate? Philippa Sherrington.
Players Beyond Borders? German Think Tanks as
Catalysts of Internationalisation. Martin Thunert.
Think Tanks and Their Impact. Robert O'neill.
The United Nations I: law and
administration (Ian Hurd)
newspaper articles. Articles SHOULD BE related with EUROPEAN THINK-TANKS. Other subjects will not be accepted.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Best to all,
Best to all,
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Books on Global and International Studies
Social and Cultural Foundations in Global Studies
By Eve Stoddard, John Collins
© 2017 – Routledge
An Introduction to Global Studies
By Patricia J. Campbell, Aran MacKinnon, Christy R. Stevens
Willey - ISBN: 978-1-405-18736-7 Mar 2010
Taking an interdisciplinary approach, An Introduction to Global Studies presents readers with a solid introduction to the complex, interconnected forces and issues confronting today's globalized world.
Introduces readers to major theories, key terms, concepts, and notable theorists
Equips readers with the basic knowledge and conceptual tools necessary for thinking critically about the complex issues facing the global community
Includes a variety of supplemental features to facilitate learning and enhance readers' understanding of the material
International Studies An Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Issues
By Sheldon Anderson, Mark Allen Peterson, and Stanley W. Toops
Fourth Edition • July 25, 2017
This core text is the first to provide a much-needed interdisciplinary approach to international studies. Emphasizing the interconnected nature of history, geography, anthropology, economics, and political science, International Studies details the methodologies and subject matter of each discipline then applies these discipline lenses to seven regions: Europe; East Asia and the Pacific; South and Central Asia; sub-Saharan Africa; the Middle East and North Africa; Latin America; and North America. This disciplinary and regional combination provides an indispensable, cohesive framework for understanding global issues. The fully updated fourth edition includes four new global issues chapters: The Refugee Crisis in Europe; The Syrian Civil War and the Rise of the Islamic State; Global Climate Change; and The Globalization of Modern Sports.
Introduction to International Studies
By Brian Orend
Oxford University Press - 30 September 2012
International studies is an interdisciplinary field that is rapidly gaining in popularity. Drawing from many well-established disciplines such as political science, geography, sociology, and economics, it examines and evaluates the many issues that affect the global population.
Introduction to International Studies offers a concise introduction to the fields of international studies and international development, as well as many of the major topical issues of interest to students. It might be assumed that the author of a book on international studies would focus exclusively on governance, economics, conflict resolution, and war, but Orend has been careful to expand his coverage to include such topics as trade, culture, health, and human rights.
Theoretical concepts act as the foundation for understanding the real-life examples presented in the form of case studies from various disciplines. Students will learn to apply theory to the quickly changing global world and will finish this text ready to take on more advanced training in international
The Global Studies Reader
Second Edition Edited
by Manfred B. Steger
Oxford University Press - 2014
Ideal for undergraduate courses, The Global Studies Reader, Second Edition, is an engaging, accessible introduction that helps students better understand what constitutes the interdisciplinary field of Global Studies. The premier scholar of globalization studies, Manfred B. Steger, brings together twenty of the "greatest hits" of the field since it emerged in the 1980s, carefully selecting and editing these influential pieces out of a vast repertoire of writing. Manageable in length and price, this "Top 20" collection shows how globalization has evolved and how it serves as a backdrop to the current global economic crisis.

By Manfred B. Steger, Amentahru Wahlrab
© 2017 – Routledge
What is Global Studies, and how does it relate to globalization? Responding to this frequently asked question, Manfred B. Steger and Amentahru Wahlrab provide the first comprehensive overview of this emerging field. Authoritative and accessible, this primer speaks to students and instructors interested not only in key theories but also in applied teaching and learning programs designed to educate "global citizens" to meet the concrete challenges of the twenty-first century. Linking the influential arguments of major thinkers in Global Studies to their own framework, the authors discuss the "Four Pillars of Global Studies": globalization, transdisciplinarity, space and time, and critical thinking. The book, with instructive appendix materials, will appeal to readers seeking a deeper understanding of Global Studies—one of the most popular fields of study in major universities around the world.
2016 Report on Chinese Think Tanks — Influence Rankings and Policy Suggestions
2016 Report on Chinese Think Tanks — Influence Rankings and Policy Suggestions
Center f or Think Tank Studies Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences May 2017
The Center fo r Think Tank Studies (CTTS), founded in 2009, is the first academic institution specializing in think tank research based in China. The Center aims to examine new trends in today’s academia that affect the development of think tanks, as well as facilitate continued growth of think tanks emerging in China and other developing states. CCTS strives to promote international cooperation between domestic and international think tanks, create new research platforms, and produce new - type think tanks with distinctly Chinese characteristics.
Since 2011, CTTS has collaborated with Dr. James G. McGann, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program at the University of Pennsylvania . Members of CTTS are frequently invited to serve as experts and participate in the Global Go to Think Tank Index appraisal undertaken by Professor McGann. Since 2013, CTTS has developed special evaluation crite ria and methods for Chinese think tanks referencing the research method specified in the “Think Tank and Civil Society Program (TTCSP)”, overseen by Professor McGann. On January 22, 2014, CTTS initiated the Annual Report on Chinese Think Tanks, and was the first to publish rankings of Chinese think tanks, which attracted widespread attention domestically and abroad.
In order to adapt to a new academic environment and meet requirements for the construction of “Top China Think Tanks”, with full consideration of the practices and explorations of SASS think tank research in recent years, CTTS will focus on cutting - edge, forward - looking, and strategically significant issues. By organizing II the “New Think Tank Forum” and compiling the Special Report on New Think T anks and Dynamics of Key Domestic and Foreign Think Tanks , CTTS fully recognizes the decision - making influence of SASS as a “Top China Think Tank”. CTTS organizes and participates in various forms of think tank exchange, and facilitates cooperation and dia logue among domestic and foreign think tanks. CTTS will also unveil a series of consecutive, original, and influential think tank research findings.
Center f or Think Tank Studies Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences May 2017
The Center fo r Think Tank Studies (CTTS), founded in 2009, is the first academic institution specializing in think tank research based in China. The Center aims to examine new trends in today’s academia that affect the development of think tanks, as well as facilitate continued growth of think tanks emerging in China and other developing states. CCTS strives to promote international cooperation between domestic and international think tanks, create new research platforms, and produce new - type think tanks with distinctly Chinese characteristics.
Since 2011, CTTS has collaborated with Dr. James G. McGann, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program at the University of Pennsylvania . Members of CTTS are frequently invited to serve as experts and participate in the Global Go to Think Tank Index appraisal undertaken by Professor McGann. Since 2013, CTTS has developed special evaluation crite ria and methods for Chinese think tanks referencing the research method specified in the “Think Tank and Civil Society Program (TTCSP)”, overseen by Professor McGann. On January 22, 2014, CTTS initiated the Annual Report on Chinese Think Tanks, and was the first to publish rankings of Chinese think tanks, which attracted widespread attention domestically and abroad.
In order to adapt to a new academic environment and meet requirements for the construction of “Top China Think Tanks”, with full consideration of the practices and explorations of SASS think tank research in recent years, CTTS will focus on cutting - edge, forward - looking, and strategically significant issues. By organizing II the “New Think Tank Forum” and compiling the Special Report on New Think T anks and Dynamics of Key Domestic and Foreign Think Tanks , CTTS fully recognizes the decision - making influence of SASS as a “Top China Think Tank”. CTTS organizes and participates in various forms of think tank exchange, and facilitates cooperation and dia logue among domestic and foreign think tanks. CTTS will also unveil a series of consecutive, original, and influential think tank research findings.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Global and Regional Development (WEEK -3): Readings, Newspaper articles, Presentation and Documentaries
Dear all,
For the Week 3rd, you should read
the following chapters before you come to the class:
- US Think Tanks and the Politics of Expertise: Role, Value and Impact Mahmood Ahmad.
- A Challenge to Washington Think Tanks Murray Weidenbaum.
- The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank (Ian Hurd)
- CFR, Brookings and the Neoconservative Advocacy Think Tanks (Kubilay Yado Arin)
- Elite Theory (Kubilay Yado Arin)
Documentary: War by other means - IMF - World
Bank by John Pilger
This week, we will have a presentation on
- Theoretical Explanations for the Political Influence of Think Tanks (Kubilay Yado Arin)
- Fragmentation of the Political System and Veto Players (Kubilay Yado Arin)
- US Think Tanks and the Politics of Expertise: Role, Value and Impact Mahmood Ahmad.
- A Challenge to Washington Think Tanks Murray Weidenbaum.
- CFR, Brookings and the Neoconservative Advocacy Think Tanks (Kubilay Yado Arin)
- Elite Theory (Kubilay Yado Arin)
RECENT newspaper articles. Articles SHOULD BE related with Think-Tanks in CHINA. Other subjects will not be accepted.
You will also find the updated class
presentation schedule and grades attached.
If you have any questions or concerns, please
do not hesitate to contact me.
Best to all,
Best to all,
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Global and Regional Development (WEEK -2): Readings, Newspaper articles, Presentation and Documentaries
Dear all,
For the Week 2nd, you should read
the following chapters before you come to the class:
- Do Think Tanks Matter? Opportunities, Constraints and Incentives for Think Tanks in Canada and the United States By Donald E. Abelson (attached)
- Demanding Information: Think Tanks and the US Congress. Anthony M. Bertelli and Jeffrey B. Wenger. (attached)
- The Role of the Think Tanks in the US Foreign Policy. U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda Volume 7 An Electronic Journal of the U.S. Department of State Number 3.
- The World Trade Organization (Ian Hurd)
- Theoretical Explanations for the Political Influence of Think Tanks (Kubilay Yado Arin)
- Fragmentation of the Political System and Veto Players (Kubilay Yado Arin)
Documentary: Who Rules America 1
This week, we will have a presentation on
- Theoretical Explanations for the Political Influence of Think Tanks (Kubilay Yado Arin)
- Fragmentation of the Political System and Veto Players (Kubilay Yado Arin)
RECENT newspaper articles. Articles SHOULD BE related with Think-Tanks in Europe. Other subjects will not be accepted.
You can also bring your last week articles,
on Think-Tanks in the US.
You will also find class presentation
schedule attached.
If you have any questions or concerns, please
do not hesitate to contact me.
Best to all,
Best to all,
Friday, December 15, 2017
Artificial Intelligence and International Relations
Artificial Intelligence and National Security
Greg Allen Taniel Chan
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School | July 2017
Project Overview
Partially autonomous and intelligent systems have been used in military technology since at least the Second World War, but advances in machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) represent a turning point in the use of automation in warfare. Though the United States military and intelligence communities are planning for expanded use of AI across their portfolios, many of the most transformative applications of AI have not yet been addressed.
In this piece, we propose three goals for developing future policy on AI and national security: preserving U.S. technological leadership, supporting peaceful and commercial use, and mitigating catastrophic risk. By looking at four prior cases of transformative military technology—nuclear, aerospace, cyber, and biotech—we develop lessons learned and recommendations for national security policy toward AI.
Artificial Intelligence and the Military
Robert W. Button
RAND - September 7, 2017
The Department of Defense (DoD) is increasingly interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI). During a recent trip to Amazon, Google, and other Silicon Valley companies, Secretary of Defense James Mattis remarked that AI has “got to be better integrated by the DoD.” What do we mean by the term AI? In particular, what does “deep learning” mean? What are the advantages, disadvantages, and risks of using AI? What are potential additional military applications for AI? What Is AI? AI is poorly understood in part because its definition is constantly evolving. As computers master additional tasks previously thought only possible by humans, the bar for what is considered “intelligent” rises higher. Recently, one of the most productive areas in the field of AI has been in technologies that can train software to learn and think on its own. This area is moving swiftly and appears to be accelerating. Simultaneously, “old school” AI using rule-based approaches are being abandoned. In the next decades, AI systems that can be trained, learn, and think independently will likely dominate the field of AI. This brings us to deep learning, a field that has made tremendous strides in recent years and generated considerable excitement.
Artificial Intelligence and International Politics
Valerie M. Hudson
For over a decade researchers in international relations have sought ways to combine the rigor of quantitative techniques with the richness of qualitative data. Many have discovered that artificial intelligence computer models allow them to do just that. This is an overview of their research.
Political Science in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Ronny Patz
Political science, probably like many other social sciences, seems stuck in an age that many of our students have never lived, and will never live. Our students live in an age of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) and of problems that are far beyond local borders in a world dominated by thinking within borders. In this age, it is time to work together on a global scale and to develop the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for political science. This political science LHC would build on the recent developments in machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, and bring together thousands of political scientists and academics from other disciplines to start understanding political dynamics at a planetary scale. I use the “LHC” as metaphor for an endeavour where large-scale collaboration of people of diverse backgrounds, use of new technologies, and fast and open science come together with one purpose: to understand and provide ideas for a world that is evolving so fast that our local political systems and global institutions cannot follow suit unless political science evolves at the speed of society and technology.
Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Implications for International Security
Discussions about the future of artificial intelligence (AI), whether philosophical or popular, tend to view artificial intelligence as distinct from, and a potential threat to, human intelligence. But the potential applications for AI in assisting the human decision-making process on international financial, political and military issues have gone underexamined. These issues are often discussed in highly technical terms, the substance of which is inaccessible to non-expert communities, including business leaders, policy-makers and the majority of the public. This event, jointly hosted by the US Project and the International Security Department, will allow researchers and policy-makers to explore areas of common concern as these technologies become increasingly integrated into decision-making structures.
Artificial Intelligence and International Politics Gaming
By Charles L. Mitchell
Attempts to evaluate the international situation have for some time appreciated the potential of international politics games for improving perceptions of political reality. Usually in the past, international politics games resembled ordinary board games with persons representing various international entities contending as adversaries. In a few situations, international politics games were developed that involved substantial amounts of role-playing among the protagonists. Whether the international politics game situation was game board oriented or based on role-playing instructions and simulations, the technique encouraged developing one's imagination about the difficulties of the international entity being played.
Artificial Intelligence and Formal Models of International Behavior
Philip A. Schrodt
The American Sociologist Vol. 19, No. 1 (Spring, 1988), pp. 71-85
During the past five years, models and techniques developed in artificial intelligence (AI) have been applied to a wide variety of topics in international relations (IR). These applications build on a theoretical base established at MIT during the 1970s, and the expansion of the applications reflects both changes in AI research and limitations of alternative models such as statistical modeling and rational choice approaches. Current applications in IR/AI tend to fall into three categories. First, there have been extensive applications of if-then rules in expert systems and simulations. Second, many models emphasize the role of historical precedent in IR decision making. Third, a variety of approaches employing natural language are under development. These AI techniques have extended considerably the range and complexity of formal models of international behavior.
Beyond a Human Framework of International Relations
Brett Daniel Shehadey
Diplomaticourier - February 18, 2013
The Information Revolution is quickly transitioning into an Augmented Technological Revolution. The previous ways that humanity interfaces with the world are being replaced with revolutionary mobile platforms. This has profound implications for the international system over the next few decades. Both the way it will soon operate and the autonomy of advanced artificial intelligence will create new dimensions beyond strictly human interactions. Augmented Reality (AR) is presently extending the Information Age a step further. AR is defined as the real-time digital enhancement of reality. This is currently being accomplished through software applications using cell phones, digital goggles, GPS, video cameras, sensors, microphones, CPU, internet and digital voice assistance in real-time. One’s reality is instantly enhanced by literally adding a digital, or artificial, layer of reality.
Artificial Intelligence on the Front Lines
Thom Dixon
Australian Institute of International Affairs - 03 Jan 2017
Autonomous technologies are rapidly advancing in multiple industries; from transport to manufacturing, artificial intelligence is gaining steam. Military AI, however, faces a unique set of challenges: the lethal capabilities of drones pose moral, ethical, and legal questions. How does the international community regulate the use of AI in conflicts? Lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS)—better known as killer robots—do not exist yet, but as the Open Letter from AI and Robotics Researchers points out, even their prospective existence is of great concern. But the concern about the new weapons systems may be misguided because it does not encompass the threat posed by the artificial intelligence (AI) programs behind their operation. International efforts to ban LAWS have been side-tracked by the concept of killer robots, when it is the intelligence of the robots that is the real issue.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is transforming every aspect of our lives, from the way we work to the way we shop and socialize. This technology has the potential to deliver incredible benefits to society, increasing efficiency, improving safety and quality of life, transforming health care, and delivering new capabilities that we cannot even imagine. How can we manage the risks, disruptions and fears of artificial intelligence to maximize its benefits to our economy and society?
Greg Allen Taniel Chan
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School | July 2017
Project Overview
Partially autonomous and intelligent systems have been used in military technology since at least the Second World War, but advances in machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) represent a turning point in the use of automation in warfare. Though the United States military and intelligence communities are planning for expanded use of AI across their portfolios, many of the most transformative applications of AI have not yet been addressed.
In this piece, we propose three goals for developing future policy on AI and national security: preserving U.S. technological leadership, supporting peaceful and commercial use, and mitigating catastrophic risk. By looking at four prior cases of transformative military technology—nuclear, aerospace, cyber, and biotech—we develop lessons learned and recommendations for national security policy toward AI.
Artificial Intelligence and the Military
Robert W. Button
RAND - September 7, 2017
The Department of Defense (DoD) is increasingly interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI). During a recent trip to Amazon, Google, and other Silicon Valley companies, Secretary of Defense James Mattis remarked that AI has “got to be better integrated by the DoD.” What do we mean by the term AI? In particular, what does “deep learning” mean? What are the advantages, disadvantages, and risks of using AI? What are potential additional military applications for AI? What Is AI? AI is poorly understood in part because its definition is constantly evolving. As computers master additional tasks previously thought only possible by humans, the bar for what is considered “intelligent” rises higher. Recently, one of the most productive areas in the field of AI has been in technologies that can train software to learn and think on its own. This area is moving swiftly and appears to be accelerating. Simultaneously, “old school” AI using rule-based approaches are being abandoned. In the next decades, AI systems that can be trained, learn, and think independently will likely dominate the field of AI. This brings us to deep learning, a field that has made tremendous strides in recent years and generated considerable excitement.
Artificial Intelligence and International Politics
Valerie M. Hudson
For over a decade researchers in international relations have sought ways to combine the rigor of quantitative techniques with the richness of qualitative data. Many have discovered that artificial intelligence computer models allow them to do just that. This is an overview of their research.
Political Science in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Ronny Patz
Political science, probably like many other social sciences, seems stuck in an age that many of our students have never lived, and will never live. Our students live in an age of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) and of problems that are far beyond local borders in a world dominated by thinking within borders. In this age, it is time to work together on a global scale and to develop the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for political science. This political science LHC would build on the recent developments in machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, and bring together thousands of political scientists and academics from other disciplines to start understanding political dynamics at a planetary scale. I use the “LHC” as metaphor for an endeavour where large-scale collaboration of people of diverse backgrounds, use of new technologies, and fast and open science come together with one purpose: to understand and provide ideas for a world that is evolving so fast that our local political systems and global institutions cannot follow suit unless political science evolves at the speed of society and technology.
Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Implications for International Security
Artificial Intelligence and International Politics Gaming
By Charles L. Mitchell
Attempts to evaluate the international situation have for some time appreciated the potential of international politics games for improving perceptions of political reality. Usually in the past, international politics games resembled ordinary board games with persons representing various international entities contending as adversaries. In a few situations, international politics games were developed that involved substantial amounts of role-playing among the protagonists. Whether the international politics game situation was game board oriented or based on role-playing instructions and simulations, the technique encouraged developing one's imagination about the difficulties of the international entity being played.
Artificial Intelligence and Formal Models of International Behavior
Philip A. Schrodt
The American Sociologist Vol. 19, No. 1 (Spring, 1988), pp. 71-85
During the past five years, models and techniques developed in artificial intelligence (AI) have been applied to a wide variety of topics in international relations (IR). These applications build on a theoretical base established at MIT during the 1970s, and the expansion of the applications reflects both changes in AI research and limitations of alternative models such as statistical modeling and rational choice approaches. Current applications in IR/AI tend to fall into three categories. First, there have been extensive applications of if-then rules in expert systems and simulations. Second, many models emphasize the role of historical precedent in IR decision making. Third, a variety of approaches employing natural language are under development. These AI techniques have extended considerably the range and complexity of formal models of international behavior.
Beyond a Human Framework of International Relations
Brett Daniel Shehadey
Diplomaticourier - February 18, 2013
The Information Revolution is quickly transitioning into an Augmented Technological Revolution. The previous ways that humanity interfaces with the world are being replaced with revolutionary mobile platforms. This has profound implications for the international system over the next few decades. Both the way it will soon operate and the autonomy of advanced artificial intelligence will create new dimensions beyond strictly human interactions. Augmented Reality (AR) is presently extending the Information Age a step further. AR is defined as the real-time digital enhancement of reality. This is currently being accomplished through software applications using cell phones, digital goggles, GPS, video cameras, sensors, microphones, CPU, internet and digital voice assistance in real-time. One’s reality is instantly enhanced by literally adding a digital, or artificial, layer of reality.
Artificial Intelligence on the Front Lines
Thom Dixon
Australian Institute of International Affairs - 03 Jan 2017
Autonomous technologies are rapidly advancing in multiple industries; from transport to manufacturing, artificial intelligence is gaining steam. Military AI, however, faces a unique set of challenges: the lethal capabilities of drones pose moral, ethical, and legal questions. How does the international community regulate the use of AI in conflicts? Lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS)—better known as killer robots—do not exist yet, but as the Open Letter from AI and Robotics Researchers points out, even their prospective existence is of great concern. But the concern about the new weapons systems may be misguided because it does not encompass the threat posed by the artificial intelligence (AI) programs behind their operation. International efforts to ban LAWS have been side-tracked by the concept of killer robots, when it is the intelligence of the robots that is the real issue.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is transforming every aspect of our lives, from the way we work to the way we shop and socialize. This technology has the potential to deliver incredible benefits to society, increasing efficiency, improving safety and quality of life, transforming health care, and delivering new capabilities that we cannot even imagine. How can we manage the risks, disruptions and fears of artificial intelligence to maximize its benefits to our economy and society?
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