Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, July 12, 2018

If an AI creates a work of art, who owns the copyright?

WEB FORUM - 2018

Artificial intelligence is already capable of creating a staggering array of content. It can paint, write music, and put together a musical. It can write movies, angsty poems, and truly awful stand-up comedy. But does it have ownership over what it produces?
For example, an AI at Google has managed to create sounds that humans have not heard before, merging characteristics of two different instruments and opening up a whole new toolbox for musicians to play around with. The company’s DeepDream is also capable of generating psychedelic pieces of art with high price tags; last year two sold for $8,000—with the money going to the artists who claimed ownership over the images.

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